January 11, 2020
We all breathed a temporary sigh of relief when Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javan Zarif, announced that the missile attacks on the Iraqi bases would constitute the full extent of its retaliation for Soleimani,stating that “Iran took and concluded proportionate measures in self-defense….We do not seek escalation or war,” (Source: “Iran Attacks U.S. Forces, Then Both Sides Stand Down,” by Robin Wright, The New Yorker, 1/8/20). The next morning, Trump followed with an address clearly intended to reassure Americans that his mindless brinkmanship would not lead us into war.
Far from being reassuring, Trump’s speech was cause for concern. Late night comedians had a field day with his awkward opening statement and his garbled delivery. Trump’s promise that Iran would never have a nuclear weapon as long as he was president rang hollow in light of the fact that every action he has taken has made that possibility more likely not less. From ripping up the Iran deal, to imposing crippling sanctions; to killing their highest ranking military official, to imposing more sanctions on Iran, Trump’s punishing instincts are hardly likely to lead to peace. Continue reading “Our best hope”