June 27th, 2017
Republican cruelty continues unabated. The CBO score of the Senate “healthcare” bill released yesterday confirmed our worst suspicions. Although the topline number of people slated to lose health insurance by 2026 is marginally better under the Senate bill (22 vs. 23 million), in all important respects, it is equally draconian. The Senate bill will entail a devastating $772 billion cut to Medicaid over time, which will wrest coverage from children, the elderly and disabled Americans. It would shred mental health coverage, leaving states adrift to manage a crippling opioid crisis without funding. Despite the fact that thousands of their constituents will be grievously harmed by this bill, Senators Murkowski and Capito are still equivocating, rather than dooming this bill to the dustbin of history where it belongs. Continue reading “Republican social engineering”