January 21, 2019
Today, we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in what would have been his 90th year, had he not been assassinated at the young age of 39. Around the country there will be commemorative programs where children dutifully recite excerpts from his speeches and politicians spout empty rhetorical references to Dr. King’s “dream” of a society where Black people would be judged on the “content of their character,” rather than demonized for the color of their skin.
The version of Dr. king celebrated by America is a bowdlerized, denatured one that upholds the status quo, rather than challenges it. It casts Dr. King as a supplicant petitioning America to recognize the humanity of Black Americans, rather than a radical pacifist demanding the long overdue payment of the debt America owed to its Black citizens. Continue reading “Chaos or community?”