Believe them the first time

October 1, 2018


On Friday, brave activists, Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher, confronted Senator Jeff Flake and shamed him into agreeing to the compromise proposed by Democratic Senator Chris Coons for a one week delay in a floor vote to allow the FBI to investigate the sexual assault claims against Brett Kavanaugh (Source:  “The #MeToo Activists Who Confronted Jeff Flake Brought Victims Back to the Center of the Kavanaugh Debate,” by Mark Joseph Stern,, 9/28/18).

Our relief was short lived because within 48 hours, The New York Times reported that The White House and the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had sharply limited the scope of the inquiry, by dictating precisely who the FBI was permitted to interview.  The Republicans are hellbent on turning the renewed investigation into a farcical, hollowed out echo of an actual investigation.  In a legitimate investigation, the FBI might interview Kavanaugh’s classmates from high school and college to determine the likelihood that he was a frequent heavy drinker.  They would search out Mark Judge’s co-workers at Safeway to pin down a timeline that might corroborate Dr. Ford’s recollection, (Source:  “The FBI Investigation We Deserve,” by Harry Litman, The New York Times, 10/1/18).  Those avenues of inquiry have all been foreclosed, making it clear that this is yet another whitewash designed to check a box, rather than get at the truth.  It is enough to make one sick with rage. Continue reading “Believe them the first time”

Mad As Hell

September 28, 2018

The gulf between the morning and the afternoon at yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing couldn’t have been wider. In the morning, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, her voice quavering, eyes wide, painstakingly detailed her assault at the hands of Brett Kavanaugh 36 years ago. She stated definitively that she knew it was Brett Kavanaugh who attacked her. Dr. Ford brought tears to our eyes as she discussed how Kavanaugh’s attempted rape destabilized her for years afterward. She was so haunted by the terror of being immobilized under the weight of a misogynistic, privileged jock behind a locked door, that she had a second front door installed in her home 30 years later, so that she might always have a means of escape. The argument over this eccentric renovation request led Dr. Ford to reveal to her husband that she had been assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh as a teenager. We have all known women like Dr. Ford —-earnest, likeable, yet haunted by something they will not name. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was terrified and utterly believable. Continue reading “Mad As Hell”


September 25, 2018

Around the country, women are radioactive with rage over the disgusting spectacle that has erupted around the effort to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Two women have come forward with credible claims of sexual assault against Kavanaugh and the Republican response has been smug contempt and disdain. In the functional equivalent of swinging his shriveled member in our faces, Mitch McConnell characterized these painful revelations as “a shameful, shameful smear campaign [that] has hit a new low,” (Source: “Mitch McConnell appears to have conveniently forgotten who Merrick Garland is,” by Chris Cillizza,, 9/25/18).

Keep in mind that, while we have been having this street brawl over Kavanaugh, record numbers of immigrant children are being detained at the border and the government is raiding funds for AIDS and Head Start to pay for it. Keep in mind that the administration is quietly challenging the citizenship of Latinx people born in the Rio Grande Valley, refusing to renew their passports. Keep in mind that DHS has just announced a radical new interpretation of “public charge” doctrine that will allow the U.S. government to deny green cards and visas to immigrants who are, or are likely to, avail themselves of any government assistance exceeding $1821 over the course of a year, (Source: “Trump’s anti-immigration ‘public charge’ proposal solves a problem that doesn’t exist,” The Editorial Board, The Los Angeles Times, 9/25/18).

While we have been watching Kavanaugh go on his “Like A Virgin” tour on Fox News, this administration has been aggressively trying to destroy the access of African-Americans and Latinos to higher education- by attacking Harvard’s admissions policies on the one hand, and Howard University’s financial stability on the other.

This is what’s behind the Republicans’ savage determination to install a lying, serial sexual predator on the Court at any cost. The gloves are off and any pretense of regular order or fairness is mangled beyond recognition. Republicans know what’s coming in November and they are looking for an insurance policy to secure control for a generation. We understand the ultimate goal of this naked power grab. It is not simply to ensure a fifth vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, although it is that. It is not simply to enshrine the power of corporations over workers and consumers, to make gutting regulations Constitutionally bulletproof, although it certainly is that. It is to establish, once and for all, the power of a wealthy, misogynist and racist minority to treat women like meat and everyone else like trash. There are many names for that, but democracy sure isn’t one.



Train Wreck

September 23, 2018

It is hard to look away from the slow motion train wreck of the Kavanaugh confirmation process. Friday night, after doddering misogynist, Chuck Grassley, gave Dr. Christine Blasey Ford an ultimatum, demanding that she accept or reject the Republicans’ offer to testify in their kangaroo court, the Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans caved and gave Dr. Ford a whopping additional 24 hours to make her decision.

Yesterday, Dr. Ford agreed to go forward, despite the daunting circumstances. Yesterday, we also witnessed the resignation of Garrett Ventry, the communications aide charged with managing the Kavanaugh confirmation process, after it was revealed that Ventry had been accused of sexual harassment during his tenure with the North Carolina House Majority Leader. Ventry was fired from that position amid charges, not only of sexual harassment, but of lying on his resume (Source: “Aide to Chuck Grassley resigns amid reports he had been accused of sexual harassment,” by Deidre Sheagreen,, 9/22/18). Continue reading “Train Wreck”

E Pluribus Unum?

September 20, 2018


The reactions that have greeted Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s decision to go public with her allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are the clearest example yet of the profound danger our country faces.  Supporters of Kavanaugh have leveled so many violent threats against her that Dr. Ford and her two teenage sons have had to leave their home and hire security (Source:  “Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Is Moving Out of Her Home Due to Death Threats,” by Opheli Garcia Lawler,, 9/18/18).  In the genteel remove of the Senate, befuddled fossils like Chuck Grassley have rejected Dr. Ford’s call for the FBI to investigate prior to the hearings, stating that it’s not the FBI’s job to investigate claims such as hers.

Grassley may not know how the internet works, but those of us who can use Google, or are old enough to remember the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings, know that Article II, Section 2  of the Constitution requires that judicial appointments be made with the “advice and consent” of the Senate.  If the Senate refuses to conduct hearings in a manner actually designed to elicit the facts to inform that obligation, it is an empty ritual devoid of meaning. Continue reading “E Pluribus Unum?”

The Year of the Woman?

September 18, 2018

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s brave decision to go public with her accusation that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape her when he was 17 has thrown a grenade into the Republicans’ confirmation hearing charade. The reaction on the right has been predictable. Some have excoriated Dr. Ford as an opportunist- a risible assertion that only makes sense if we think that scores of women crave the “opportunity” to re-live scarring trauma while scores of people pore over every detail of our personal and professional life in an effort to discredit us. Continue reading “The Year of the Woman?”


September 15, 2018

The last two years have been a pitched battle between those of us pushing for a “more perfect union” and those wishing to normalize patriarchal white supremacy and abandon any pretense of democracy. From day to day, we rebound from this regime’s relentless assaults on those of us who are not straight, white, Christian men to trying to take solace in special election victories or court decisions that slow our country’s headlong rush into autocracy. For those of us on the side of democracy, this has been an encouraging week.

On Thursday, Tish James won the New York State Democratic Primary for Attorney General, positioning her to be the first Black woman to hold statewide elected office in New York. Additionally, six members of the faux Democratic I.D.C. were defeated by a diverse group of more progressive Democrats.

Continue reading “Predators”

Right in front of our faces

September 12, 2018


While we gape in slack jawed horror at the demented antics of a racist moron who is dangerously unfit for office, his underlings are furiously erecting the edifice for genocide right in front of our faces.  Almost 500 immigrant children remain in detention, separated from parents who may have already been deported, in blatant noncompliance with the court order for their unification and release issued almost two months ago, (Source: “Dems demand plan for reunifying 500 children still separated from families,” by Rafael Bernal,, 9/4/18).  The lazy defiance of the federal government has the ACLU scrambling in remote Central American villages in an effort to locate these parents.

The DHS response has been to seek to tear up the 20 year old Flores settlement, which prohibits the long term detention of children, in order to incarcerate immigrant families indefinitely (Source:  “Trump admin seeks to keep undocumented families in detention far longer,” by Tal Kopan,, 9/6/18).  Those who harbor any doubt about this administration’s goal need look no further than yesterday’s announcement that , DHS transferred $10 million dollars from the FEMA budget to ICE and CBP in order to build more detention centers for immigrants, at the height of hurricane season, (Source: “Dem Senator releases documents appearing to show DHS diverted $10M from FEMA to ICE,” by John Bowden,, 9/11/18).  The echoes of Japanese internment are impossible to ignore.

Keep in mind that our government is doing this to people who are legally seeking asylum or guilty of a misdemeanor, at most.  This exposes their true aim — to place insurmountable obstacles in the path of any non-white person seeking residence or citizenship in the United States.  Lest we think that the government’s attack on people of color is limited to those seeking entry to the country, consider two insidious stories that show this administration’s determination to eject non-white people who are in this country legally.

Just yesterday, The United States Citizenship and Immigrations Services announced a new policy that would  allow them to deny visa and green card applications on technicalities without giving applicants notice and a chance to correct errors.  Nor can we overlook the recent report of the government denying passport renewals to American citizens of Latinx descent along the Texas/Mexico border, challenging their birthright citizenship.  This dragnet has snared veterans and has resulted in some U.S. citizens being thrown into immigrant detention centers (Source:  “U.S. is denying passports to Americans along the border, throwing their citizenship into question,” by Kevin Sieff, The Washington Post, 8/29/18).

This is why John Bolton threatened the International Criminal Court with sanctions.  He is not merely  seeking to escape punishment for war crimes that we may have committed in Afghanistan, he is seeking carte blanche for the ones we are in the midst of committing.  We must face it:  November represents our last chance to keep our country from descending full throttle into authoritarian madness, but we won’t get there unless every one of us does everything we can to retake the House and even the Senate.  Sign up with to help flip a nearby district.  Make phone calls for Beto O’Rourke and of course, VOTE.  After all, if they get away with this coordinated assault on birthright citizenship enshrined in the 14th Amendment, who do you think they’ll come after next?






Women’s rights

September 9, 2018


At first blush, there would seem to be no connection between the disastrous end of the U.S. Open Women’s Final and the confirmation hearing of Bret Kavanaugh last week, but both illuminated something powerful and frightening – the determination of far too many men to deny women respect, equality or our very bodily autonomy.

Everyone knows that the historic matchup between Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka was marred by the Chair Umpire’s actions.  His decision to penalize Serena’s rule violations by awarding first a point, and then a game, to Naomi Osaka, permanently tainted a victory that Osaka seemed on track to win anyway. Much of the media coverage has described Serena as having a “temper tantrum” or the “mother of all meltdowns.”  Reaction has broken down along gender lines, with many men saying that Serena should have controlled herself; blaming her for not clamming up over what she saw as an unjust penalty that impugned her integrity.  Washington Post columnist, Sally Jenkins, handily refutes that argument, pointing out that the issue was not whether Serena lost her temper (she did), but whether the chair umpire insinuated himself in an unseemly power play to put Serena in her place. Continue reading “Women’s rights”

25th Amendment time

September 6, 2018


Not since we were ruled by a late stage syphilitic monarch from across the ocean have we had a ruler so manifestly unfit for office and so single mindedly dedicated to rapaciously plundering our coffers for his own selfish gain.  The one-two punch of the release of Bob Woodward’s “Fear,” and the publication of the anonymous Op-Ed written by a cowardly conservative cowering in The West Wing, have confirmed beyond cavil that Trump is exactly as he appears—amoral, cruel, impulsive, ignorant and blisteringly stupid.


The question is, what are we to do in the face of this confirmation of our worst fears?  Should we be mollified that Trump’s dangerous impulses are allegedly being restrained by shadowy, unnamed officials, whose most fervent hope is to execute his tax-cutting, nativist agenda more competently?  The answer is a resounding “No!”


The fact is that the Constitution provides not one, but two, routes out of this crisis.  The most obvious one, suggested by the anonymous Op-Ed writer, is to invoke the 25th Amendment.  Section 4 of the Amendment provides that, “[w]henever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the office of Acting President.”  Anonymous claims that this option was considered and rejected for fear that it would “precipitate a Constitutional crisis,” a self-serving statement that ignores that we are already in one.

The other obvious mechanism for resolving this crisis is through impeachment.  Article II, Section 4 states that the “President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  Although we know that impeachment is a political question and that Mueller has yet to complete his investigation, Trump has committed enough acts in plain sight for Congress to at least consider the question.  From nakedly profiting from the office of the Presidency, to violating the Emoluments Clause, to admitting to obstruction of justice on the evening news, to the numerous convictions and guilty pleas of his campaign chair, National Security Advisor and personal lawyer, the mountain of evidence that Trump is guilty of impeachable offenses is harder to ignore than a ten car pileup on the 405.


Despite that, outside of the faint murmurs of disapproval from lame duck Senators, Congressional Republicans have been stunningly silent.  The reason is obvious — as long as Trump has a functioning right hand with which to sign executive orders and legislation unleashing unchecked corporate power, they will prop him up.  The sham hearing being conducted to confirm a baby-faced sociopath lacking in empathy to the Supreme Court is just the latest evidence of the Republicans’ bad faith lust for absolute power at any cost.  They know that the majority of Americans detest their agenda, so they aim to lock in a Second Redemption Court that will secure the reign of a white supremacist patriarchal minority for a generation. To a person, the Republican vision for this country is a demented mash-up of “Cry the Beloved Country,” and “The Handmaid’s Tale.”  They have forfeited every shred of legitimacy. We must never forget that they are the authors of this nightmare. If our democracy still has a pulse after November, never let a single one of them near elected office again.

