March 14, 2018
We woke up this morning to the news that Democrat, Conor Lamb, squeaked past Rick Saccone by the thinnest of margins to win a victory in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District. Although the margin was less than 600 votes, it is an incredible feat in a district that Trump carried by 20 points merely sixteen months ago. Lamb was powered to victory by a combination of grassroots activists and organized labor. He ran a campaign that focused on issues that mattered to the voters in the district, such as protecting Social Security, saving the Affordable Care Act and fully funding miners’ pensions. Lamb’s campaign offers a blueprint for how to re-take Congress in November – take positions that are important to voters in the district and harness the energy of grassroots activists and labor unions to get out the vote. We should note that the $10 million dollars that Republican outside groups poured into the race was not enough to beat Lamb, who raised $3.7 million dollars without accepting money from PACs and with minimal help from the DCCC. Continue reading “The fate of the world”