September 14, 2017
The news media has been obsessed this week with Hillary Clinton’s new book, “What Happened.” Half of those commenting decry her for having the temerity to write it at all, stating that she should retreat to the Chappaqua woods. Others carp that Hillary fails to accord sufficient weight to her own mistakes as a candidate. That particular criticism is rich coming from a press corps that defensively denies the role its own imbalanced coverage played in Trump’s victory. As the Shorenstein Center Report detailed, coverage of Hilary Clinton during the 2016 election cycle was light on policy and overwhelmingly negative (62% negative vs. 38% positive). While Trump’s coverage was also more negative than positive (56%/44%), given the seriousness of the genuine scandals in which Trump was embroiled, his higher positives simply make no sense. (Source: “News Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters,” by Thomas E. Patterson, Bradlee Professor of Government and The Press, Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at The Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, 12/7/16). Continue reading “Silence is violence”