Don’t turn the page

August 22, 2017


      Last night, Trump delivered what The Atlantic’s James Fallows dubbed a “depressingly normal speech” announcing his “new” strategy for our endless war in Afghanistan. As many people have pointed out, it is nothing more than a schlocky re-branding of major elements of President Obama’s pre-existing strategy, with the added detriment of an undisclosed number of additional troops and an open-ended timetable. Continue reading “Don’t turn the page”

Boston and Bannon

August 20, 2017


Our politics of late have become like Mark Twain’s adage about New England weather: “If you don’t like it, wait a minute.” One week after the horrific spectacle of violent racist and anti-Semitic animus on display in Charlottesville, we saw yesterday’s epic, peaceful rebuke of hatred in Boston. In response to what had been dubbed a “Free Speech Rally,” poised to prominently feature the speech of those who don’t believe in equality for people of color, 40,000 Americans came out to forcefully repudiate white supremacy and anti-Semitism. After an exhausting week in which the walking Klan id in The White House characterized Nazis and Klansmen as “very fine people,” it was a relief to see a massive demonstration rejecting that premise. It is an admittedly low bar. Continue reading “Boston and Bannon”

Toppling Monuments

August 18, 2017

Toppling statues is a necessary, yet woefully insufficient response to the horror in Charlottesville. It is certainly satisfying to see activists and elected officials decisively moving to rid the public landscape of these monuments to white supremacy. It is edifying for some of us to learn that these monuments were erected at the dawn of Jim Crow, or during the Civil Rights Movement, as visible markers of the resistance of many Americans to Black equality. Continue reading “Toppling Monuments”

We’ve been here before

August 16, 2017


Thank God for the blessing of clarity. Although there has never been any doubt where Trump stood and whom he supported, yesterday’s defiant, impromptu press conference shredded any pretext that Trump stands for anything less than unvarnished white supremacy. No longer can anyone claim that Trump’s supporters are beset with economic anxiety or lured by his faux populism. Yesterday, Trump stood behind a podium with the seal of the President of The United States of America and truculently defended the “very fine people,” who marched in Charlottesville. Trump averred that not all of them were white supremacists and expressed sympathy with the marchers’ purported concern that their “history and culture” be preserved. Trump equated Robert E. Lee with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The nuance that two were slaveholding nation founders and one was a traitor fighting expressly to preserve slavery was seemingly lost on Trump.

In the wake of the press conference, a parade of pundits seemed aghast at the naked racism and anti-Semitism on display. They should spare us. Frankly, at this juncture, pearl clutching shock that the President of the United States is an unabashed racist who gives comfort to Nazis and Klansmen is a luxury we can’t afford. Trump is no mere doddering bigot muttering at the television from the comfort of his Naugahyde La-Z-Boy. He is the President of the United States with the full, fearsome power of the executive branch of the federal government at his disposal.

For those who have been in a coma for the last four days, let’s review what those “very fine people” on the “Unite the Right” side did this past weekend. On Friday night, hundreds of torch carrying white supremacists marched on the lawn of the University of Virginia chanting blatantly anti-Semitic, Nazi slogans like, “Jews will not replace us,” and “Blood and soil.” They then violently attacked a much smaller group of counter-protesters, punching them and spraying them with mace. The white supremacists surrounded a church where a mix of clergy, Black Lives Matter and local activists had gathered, making it unsafe for them to leave the building.

On Saturday, the white supremacists marched to Emancipation Park, outfitted with riot shields, brass knuckles, clubs and guns. While some of the anti-fascist counter protesters also had shields and clubs, there is no question that the vastly larger crowd of “Unite the Right” protesters was armed to the teeth and itching for battle. In addition to attacking counter demonstrators, white supremacists threw bottles of urine on journalists covering the rally. After the rally had been declared an “unlawful assembly,” one of the Nazis plowed his car into a crowd of peaceful counter-protestors, killing Heather Heyer and injuring nineteen others.

These are the “very fine people” that Trump defended. Don’t be confused. These people were not in Charlottesville to express their “views.” They were not simply trying to preserve “history and culture.” No one at a Black Lives Matter march wears brass knuckles. No one at the Women’s March brought clubs and guns. The Nazis and white supremacists that rioted in Charlottesville this weekend were proudly heralding the return of state sponsored racial terror and Trump is their standard bearer.

We have been here before. We have seen thousands of Black people lynched and terrorized for the crime of asserting our inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have seen six million Jewish people murdered by a genocidal regime that Americans fought a war to vanquish. So spare us tut-tutting “concern”, tweeted denunciations or sound bite expressions of revulsion. If you are not doing EVERYTHING you can to root out these forces of evil, root and branch, starting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, you are wasting my time and risking my life, so spare me.

Civil War

August 13, 2017


    Don’t pretend to be shocked. We all knew that we’d get here. We all knew that this vein of hatred ran rich through American soil, never far from the surface. The ideology of white supremacy is in our DNA and every serious effort to dismantle it has been met with a vicious backlash. Our bloodiest war was fought because half of our countrymen were willing to die for the right to keep Black people as property. Too many Americans never accepted that loss. Continue reading “Civil War”

Dr. Strangelove

This week we have crossed the Rubicon. Trump’s continued presence in The Oval Office no longer simply risks the continued existence of the United States as a democracy, but  risks the lives of 50 million South Koreans ( plus the 28,500 American troops stationed there), 25 million North Koreans and  the 162, 742 American citizens of Guam, at a bare minimum.  Every day, Trump emerges from his lair in Bedminster and barks some bellicose gibberish that ratchets up the chaos.  When his beleaguered Secretary of State tries to reassure Americans that we can sleep at night unworried by the threat of imminent nuclear war, faux adjutant and real Nazi, Sebastian Gorka, contemptuously suggests that it is foolish to think that Tillerson can speak on military matters.  It begs the question, how is it reasonable to listen instead to the opinion of a white supremacist with a chest full of fake medals? Continue reading “Dr. Strangelove”

Playtime is over

August 8, 2017


On a daily basis, we see mounting evidence that, not only is Trump intellectually and temperamentally unfit to be president, not only is he zealously pursuing policies to reverse the societal progress this country has made towards equality in the last seventy years, but that his continued tenure as president risks our permanent transformation from a deeply flawed representative democracy to a tin pot autocracy ruled by a vulgar, vengeful, pathologically insecure bigot.

The Washington Post’s story yesterday about how the Trump Hotel in D.C. has become a hub for conservative and international influence peddling reads like a scene from a dinner theater version of “Casablanca.”  The Post described a lobby bar peopled by the boldface names in Trumpworld, like Lewandowski, Spicer and Giuliani, with a calendar full of events sponsored by organizations and groups seeking to curry favor with Trump.  In a nod to compliance with the emoluments clause, the hotel says it maintains a separate ledger of payments from foreign nationals, but no one has verified the existence of such a ledger or has knowledge of the amount that foreign interests have paid to the hotel since Trump’s inauguration in January.  The most shocking example of influence peddling that The Post reported was that the Saudi government paid the six figure hotel bill of a veterans’ group that came to Washington to lobby against a bill that would have allowed the families of the victims of 9/11 to sue the Saudi government!

Trump meanwhile, is busily tweeting sycophancy, insults and classified information from his Bedminster hideaway.  Over the weekend he retweeted praise from a purported Black woman supporter named “Nicole Mincey,” who turned out to be either a Russian bot or a scammer selling MAGA merchandise.  Yesterday, Trump unleashed a bewildering tweetstorm against stolid Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, excoriating him for an ancient incident in which he exaggerated his service record.  Clearly, the decidedly unflashy Blumenthal has gotten under Trump’s skin with his insistence on pursuing the Russian investigation wherever it leads and his willingness to eschew equivocation and raise the prospect of impeachment.

While the press focuses on Trump’s idiotic tweets and his naked avarice, momentous and dangerous events are ignored.  The press has barely mentioned Trump’s failure to condemn the terroristic bombing of the Dar Al Farooq Mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota.  Trump has spent no time developing a strategy to deal with North Korea’s threats to retaliate against the U.N. sanction vote (other than to tweet classified information in statements which conflict with those of his U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley).  Today, his Justice Department, led by serial perjurer and committed racist, Jeff Sessions, reversed course in a major voting rights case and backed Ohio’s massive “use it or lose it” purge of infrequent voters.

The fact is that, although the particulars of Trump’s unique danger to our body politic may differ from day to day, the fundamental aspects have not changed – corruption and greed on an epic scale, policy animated by pernicious hatred of anyone who is not a straight, white Christian man, led by an impetuous, petulant bully.  The danger we are in cannot be overstated.  We cannot afford to equivocate, sit on the sidelines or get caught up in intra-party squabbles between the center left and far left.  It will take each of us using everything we’ve got to defeat the menace that Trump, Pence and their enablers constitute to our liberty, safety and security.  It may be August, but playtime is over.

What time is it?

August 5, 2017


As we watch the noose tightening around Trump’s administration from a steady drumbeat of leaks revealing just how profoundly ignorant and weak he is, combined with the strategic disclosure that Special Counsel Mueller has empaneled a second grand jury in Washington, D.C., profoundly troubling developments have emerged. On the right, Trump and his supporters have stepped up their attacks on their perceived enemies – people of color, Democrats and the Free Press. Continue reading “What time is it?”

A level playing field?

Yesterday’s report that the Justice Department was set to launch an investigation of “discrimination” against white students in colleges and universities, together with the introduction of the RAISE Act, which would replace current immigration law, which favors uniting families, with a “merit” based points system purportedly favoring skilled workers, makes it clear that this administration is doubling down on policy driven by white supremacy.  We should not fool ourselves, though, that these two proposals represent anything new.  In fact, both represent a return to the status quo circa 1950, before a series of cases culminating in Brown v. Board of Education began to force open the doors of educational opportunity for African Americans and before the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 eliminated quotas based on national origin. Continue reading “A level playing field?”

Dangerous Distraction

    The sigh of relief was audible yesterday when new White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, made the predictable move of firing Anthony Scaramucci. The Monday afternoon massacre provided fodder for pundits who praised Kelly, opining that this was a harbinger of a newly disciplined White House. On the other hand, progressives among us were buoyed by new reporting from The Washington Post that Trump had personally dictated his son’s misleading statement about the nature of his meeting with several Russians with Kremlin connections. While these are indeed welcome developments, we must remain vigilant because, away from the spotlight, Trump’s toxic agenda is proceeding apace.

There are reports that Trump is considering replacing John Kelly at Homeland Security with the virulently anti-immigrant Kris Kobach. Under Kelly, ICE has already stepped up the pace of deportations by 40% (Source: “Democracy Now” 5/18/17) and shifted the focus from undocumented immigrants with criminal records to all undocumented persons. It is a frightening prospect to imagine anti-terrorism, border security, and immigration under the control of Kobach, author of the racist SB 1070 statute (the “papers please” law declared unconstitutional by The Supreme Court in 2012) and current head of the Trump administration’s engine of voter suppression, the Election Integrity Commission.

Secondly, while significant attention has rightly been focused on Trump’s bizarre Twitter transgender ban, less attention has been paid the Department of Justice’s submission of an amicus brief in Zarda v. Altitude Express to argue that Title VII does not prohibit discrimination against LGBT people. This move is a clear signal that diminutive bigot, Jeff Sessions, intends to use the power of the Justice Department to aggressively roll back civil rights for LGBT Americans. The Justice Department, which was not a party to the case, advanced an argument that was not only counter to Obama administration DOJ policy, but contradicted the EEOC position in the same case and flew in the face of 15 years of Title VII jurisprudence.

Lastly, we must consider the impact of Trump’s reprehensible speech on Friday, in which he actively encouraged police brutality. His remarks were met with laughter and applause from many of the police officers in attendance. The Suffolk County Police Department was forced to walk back the response of their officers over the weekend and yesterday, Trump spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, offered the lame excuse that Trump was “joking.” We can be sure that the families of Freddie Gray, Michael Brown and Eric Garner did not find it funny. Trump knows that his comments embolden cops who are predisposed to mete out harsh and often fatally violent attacks on Black people. Trump’s winking remarks signal that police officers no longer need to worry about being brought up on civil rights charges by Trump’s Justice Department. As an example, even my own bucolic suburb of South Orange/Maplewood is not immune from the scourge of police brutality. In footage just released after a year of pressure from community activists, we see Maplewood police officers, who we pay with OUR tax dollars, handcuffing, punching and berating CHILDREN and trying to herd them into the neighboring predominantly Black neighboring town of Irvington. Resentful of the our hard won material comfort, these cops tried to turn this into a 21st Century sundown town. This is the impact of having a toxic bully with a bully pulpit.

The inconvenient truth is that the tabloid ready distractions of the fall of “The Mooch,” or even the latest development in the consequential Russian investigation divert our attention from the ways in which Trump is actively hurting the most marginalized among us — immigrants, LGBT people and Black people. Aided by a racist base, somnambulant Congress and rogue cops, Trump is erecting a new infrastructure of oppression. That is where our work is.










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