June 10, 2017
We have all long taken for granted that we are a nation of laws, not men. We have never stopped to consider how governance by people with utter contempt and disregard for that basic principle would impact the smooth functioning of our republic. Five months into the Trump administration, we are beginning to have the answer. The consequences were vividly on display with the testimony this week of James Comey. What was striking about Comey’s testimony was not simply his refreshing willingness to call a lie a lie, but his candor in describing his paralysis in the face of a President whose demand for personal loyalty revealed that he fundamentally did not subscribe to the view that no person is above the law. It is understandable that all 6’8″ of James Comey was flummoxed when faced with the combination of betrayal of baseline Constitutional values and the enormous power of the presidency. Continue reading “The fish rots from the head”