Things Fall Apart

September 21, 2017

In a week in which Mexico City was hit by an earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale, Puerto Rico was slammed and flooded by Hurricane Maria, and the occupant of the Oval Office stood at the podium of the United Nations and threatened to annihilate an entire nation, we are reminded of the prescient words of W.B. Yeats a century ago:


Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.


(“The Second Coming,” W.B. Yeats.)

We could certainly understand if the more religious among us viewed the devastation visited upon Mexico, the Caribbean and the United States as a portent that the Rapture is imminent. It is easy to be exhausted and overwhelmed by the frequency and scale of the natural disasters battering us all. We send contributions into the void, hoping that they reach their intended recipients, only to learn that, once again, The Red Cross has failed those most in need. In Texas, it has not provided promised Immediate Assistance Funds to scores of people, blaming an IT system crash for the problem. (Source: “American Red Cross fails to pay funds promised to Harvey victims,” NBC News, 9/19/17).

Meanwhile, the Republicans’ frenetic rush to pass their “deathcare” monstrosity continues apace. Vox’s Jeff Stein’s interview with nine Republican Senators exposed the craven political expedience and incoherent dishonesty behind this eleventh hour repeal push. These men don’t know or care what they’re voting for. All they know is that the Koch Brothers have threatened to lock the vaults unless they can repeal Obamacare and pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy. (Source: “Koch Piggy Banks Closed Until Republicans Pass Healthcare Repeal and Tax Reform,” AP, 6/26/17). They no longer even pretend that this bill will help their constituents, with good reason, since healthcare consulting firm, Avalere Health projects that 34 states stand to lose $215 billion through 2026 if Cassidy-Graham passes (Source: “New Obamacare Repeal Bill Could Slash Federal Health Funds to States by $4 Trillion through 2036,” by Dan Mangan, CNBC, 9/20/17).

In the face of all this, it is tempting to withdraw into a cocoon of cynicism and despair. Now, more than ever though, we must resist that urge. Instead of focusing on the cupidity of the bungling bureaucrats of the Red Cross, we should look instead at the scores of ordinary Mexican citizens who rushed to fallen buildings in Mexico City and formed human chains to aid the rescue efforts. Instead of lamenting the destructive zeal with which Congressional Republicans are trying to deprive us of healthcare, we should turn our attention to the networks established by Indivisible and to mobilize and stop them. We must remember the words of Edmund Burke that, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” So, by all means, replenish your spirit at the synagogue during this season of renewal, at church on Sunday, or at yoga class, but then we had better get to work.




